Monday, June 19, 2006

i heart long runs.

yes, i most certainly do. long runs for me are the payoff of a week of 3, 4, and 6 milers. and so, i was a little concerned this week when tightness in a muscle in my lower leg (apparently called the "extensor digitorum longus") ricocheted into a sore ankle, hip flexor, etc. on my short, easy run on saturday. i iced, advilled, rested, compressed, and remolded the buy-at-home orthotics, and hit the road sunday for a 9-miler. i told drew i would take it in two loops so that i was never more than 2.25 miles away from home and was absolutely prepared to pull the plug on the run at any point.

lo and behold, i got out there and felt good - the miscellaneous pains were back to the dullest of tightness and largely disappeared after the first mile or so. i actually racked up negative splits throughout the run and am happy to report that i am walking just fine this morning.

it's the damnedest thing - the longer i'm out there, the happier i am. my stride opens up, my head clears, and i actually get faster. has my obsessive personality finally found a healthy outlet? only, i suppose, if those long runs are the reward of a shorter, slower week. you guys can help keep me honest on that front.

in less dramatic - more dramatic? - news, i ran 29.0 miles in week 20 of my training and 27.5 this week (week 19). things are looking good!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

re the longer i'm out there... especially if you start slowly and progress to the pace that makes you feel good :) happy running, corrado

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

11:03 PM  

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